Her Green Figs

The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell.

21 May 2006

Dropping Like Flies

There was hardly anyone in the choir this morning. Not sure where everyone was. Unfortunately, many of the people who were there escaped early. I did this, in a way, myself. At the end of our offertory, as we were beginning the presentation hymn, I collapsed. I wasn't feeling ill or anything, just, all of a sudden, I fell into CD and then landed on the bench (could have been much worse!). I tried to clear my head and stand up again, but back down I went, pretty quickly, and there I stayed. I couldn't focus my eyes or stop the world from swimming in front of me. I was very afraid that I wouldn't be able to walk all the way (8 feet?) to the sacristy door, so I just stayed put and didn't stand up. Eventually, my vision settled a little--I could focus my eyes even though everything was still swimming. I sang the communion hymns, even. Then, my conductor happened to be sitting on the other side of me (dunno why), and I told him that I was not going to process out, but would "sneak" out through the sacristy, since I knew there was no way I could walk down that long aisle without holding onto the pews (or random parishioners' arms), and especially not whilst holding a hymnal and folder. I was surprised I made it to the sacristy as it turned out.

The good news: unlike previous "episodes," I did not immediately projectile vomit then desperately need to sleep, and I didn't make a big scene or hurt anyone when I fell over.

The bad news: it was still a bit of a scene to those who noticed, I have a troubling tremor in my hands now, which prohibits me from things like writing and makes very typing very difficult, and I am embarrassed.

My lunch dates took good care of me though. They took care of my car (absolutely no way I could drive), ferried me about, and lent me steady arms and friendly hands for traversing parking lots and stairs. I am grateful.

I HAVE to make a priority list for renovating my new house. Also, a budget. Also, a list of contractors to interview.